Jun 25, 2013

The Big Guy's Big Day: A Tribute

He once ate a bowl of soup that was hot enough to leave third-degree burns on a normal man, but insisted it was freezing cold.

He can beat up your dad, even if your dad is Chuck Norris. He's very, very confident about this.


When his daughter asked for a pony, he bought her two ponies. And by ponies he meant dangly unicorn earrings.

When he eats at a restaurant, he never brings his reading glasses. In fact, the menu needs reading glasses to understand him.

His stories about winning fights/hockey games/battles of the wits/golf tournaments are so good, he has to tell them multiple times for you to really comprehend his greatness. 

When he plays Barbies with his granddaughters, he always wins.

He doesn't always drink chocolate milkshakes, but when he does, he INSISTS they be made with vanilla ice cream.

He's...The Most Interesting Dad in the World.

Happy Birthday, Big Guy!

From Your Biggest Fan Club