Jul 27, 2011

Hope Shot

"The gratification of desires is not happiness. Genuine happiness can only be achieved when we transform our way of life from the unthinking pursuit of pleasure to one committed to enriching our inner lives, when we focus on “being more” rather than simply having more." - D. Ikeda, SGI

My problem isn't that I want too much. It's that I have been conditioned to believe there is anything I cannot have. Anything I want can be mine. The key is in believing it is so, in transforming my heart from a state of fear and disbelief into one of profound conviction and determination that I, like every living being, have limitless potential to manifest unshakable happiness.

So what do I want? Peace. Direction. Abundant creative output. More money for concert tickets, live entertainment, classes, massages, pedicures and shoes. A fun and engaging career in comedy. To be a performer. To encourage, inspire and uplift as many people as possible through comedy and creative expression. To stop thinking so much and just write. Clarity. Confidence. Patience. Compassion. Genuine friendship. World peace. A brighter and more colorful workspace. The dissolution of political parties. A month-long vacation in Europe. To work out more and feel better about my body. New earrings. The motivation to pack up my belongings and find an apartment in the city. More hugs. A new haircut. Better posture. And to stay young for the rest of my life.

That's all I want. Now you go, loyal readers! I want all seven of you to tell me what you want. CHEER!

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