Mar 8, 2013

Love in the Time of Emo

I Love You But I've Chosen Darkness is the name of a band. They haven't released any new music since their first and only full length album in 2006, but they will forever be known as the group that inspired the thing I say to my cats when I lock them out of my room, or shove them off of my lap because I just want to watch American Horror Story without getting cat hair all over my sweatshirt.

I love you, but I've chosen darkness.

Is there any expression more magnificently emo, more self-indulgent and melodramatic, more utterly satisfying in its embittered absurdity?

As if love requires sunlight. As if sullen apathy and self-centered preoccupation weren't the very foundations of love itself. As if Romeo and Juliet were just a couple of short-sighted teenagers too young to understand the difference between true love and obsessive hormone-driven infatuation.

What is love if not the hood pulled over our faces, the dark-as-night trunk of a stolen car being driven by the kidnappers of our hearts? If not the door that separates you from the human you adore with all of your tiny kitty brain.

Love is darkness. Just ask my cats.  EMO <3 4EVR

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