Dec 19, 2011

Secrets secrets are no fun, unless you're paying

Occasionally I go to the gym on my lunch hour, and because America needs television to distract it from the horror and pain of exercise, there are approximately a hundred and twelve screens showing the best midday programming this country has to offer.

I do my best to avoid watching, because it makes me feel sad and scared to see talk shows and the news, and well, because of what I saw when I glanced up at the screen above the crazy stair machine I was dancing on (what?). It was a non-Maury talk show, and the topic was "I Need to Prove to My Boyfriend that I'm Not a Secret Prostitute."

How does one prove that?! If I had the stamina, I'd have found out, but unfortunately, I ran out of dance moves and it was time to go back to work. And alas, now I can't stop wondering if my boyfriend might secretly be a prostitute.


  1. how to spot a prostitute 101
    crazy working hours in strange location.can be some simple signs. practice makes perfect. so if he's really good in bed you may have a male hooker on your hands :)

  2. Dammit, anonymous! You've confirmed my suspicions, which makes me feel both validated and devastated. In a purely hypothetical way, of course.
