Nov 23, 2015

Important and Interesting Updates

I haven't posted in a few days, so here are all the things I thought of but didn't share:

1. I had a dream that I won the volleybaskethockeyball game, bringing us back from a 3-0 deficit.
2. Two nights later, I had a dream that I hit a home run and earned $1M.
3. I have thus surmised that I am in the wrong business.
4. Since my real-life athletic skills continue to be limited to running moderate distances at a moderate pace and occasionally talking about the good old days when I was a baller, I have decided to keep my day job.
5. Lately, I feel like everything I do is not quite good enough, or not quite right in some way. Perhaps this is the lack of feedback I get in my job, or the lack of creative expression I've been demonstrating, or, most likely, it is the lack of sunlight contributing to a lack of serotonin in my brain. This is also why I've been spending too much money trying to find the perfect pair of boots and being altogether unsatisfied with my appearance. These are the days of overeating and underachieving, of being cooped up and bottled up and irritably anxious. Needing stimulation, but numbing out on Netflix. Needing an outlet and seeking distraction instead. These are the days of not rising above, but settling into the baser impulses of my nature (finding refuge in consumption and solitude; my memoirs shall be called Eat, Shop, Stay Home and sell millions of copies, mostly to hipsters who mistakenly think I'm being ironic or parodical and not literal). Shirking the noble path of productivity and spiritual growth, I resist what is good for me, and dream of athletic achievement and instant gratification.
6. I'm thinking about learning a martial art, but I'm intimidated by things I'm not good at yet.
7. I tried to decorate for Christmas, and this is what happened:

Clearly, I'm a master of interior decorating. I will be keeping my day job regardless.
8. I don't like ending lists on an odd number, unless it's 11. 11 is a magical number. I will name my first child 11.
9. I should never be allowed to reproduce.
10. There are 3 more days until Thanksgiving, so here are 3 things for which I am grateful: my family, my boyfriend and my health. Here are 3 less boring things for which I am grateful: the squeaky noises Norm makes when I pick him up and squeeze him, people who shovel their sidewalks, the hilarious way little kids waddle when they are wearing their little snow suits.


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