Oct 5, 2011

You can't take the band out of bandersnatch, but you can't take the snatch out of my vocabulary!

Today's word of the day, compliments of Dictionary.com, is BANDERSNATCH!

It means a person of uncouth or unconventional habits, attitudes, etc., especially one considered a menace, nuisance, or the like. 

I know people like that, I've just never had the vocabulary to properly label them. Like those people who use Facebook to flaunt their bigotry -- racist, sexist, sexual preference-ist, religion-ist, cultural-ist, or just plain ignorant propaganda. Or the Tea Party. Those deluded protestors who seriously think Obama is the antichrist and that God chose them to be messengers of hatred.  Tom Cruise, before his agent told him to stop airing the crazy on public television. People who don't bathe regularly even though they have easy access to soap and water. Kesha (whose name I refuse to spell using anything other than actual letters, because that would be respecting her as an artist). Anyone who thinks evolution (and science, ergo) is the devil's attempt to sway us from a path of righteousness, and especially anyone who home-schools their kids because of science teachers. BANDERSNATCHES!

Who's the most dangerous BANDERSNATCH you know? 

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